} Saurus will deal the main part of the damage while Grezhul will tank and also sacrifice his skeletons for tanking. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Always take this AFK Arena tier list with a grain of salt. } Bountiful Trials Event Walkthrough: Respen & Kren. Heroes that are easily distracted (including Mehira) are too easily put out of position, Need to be able to take some damage, some heroes are too squishy. This is where true battles begin. Great Heroes that provide decent abilities and game changing qualities. Due to the Last Gasp ability, he is able to deal with enemies who are way stronger than him. The Best Heroes of the AFK Arena Tier List: Yet Another End-Game Tier List of AFK Arena, Voyage of Wonders Guide & Map: Blighted Highlands, AFK Arena Redemption Codes (Complete List). Now let’s jump right into the important question that you have – which team should I use?! February 12, 2021, 4:46 pm, by Ice Shemira gave us a visit during this years Christmas Festive Event and is quite nasty do deal with due to her freeze effect. Important!!! Usually, after level 240, people tend to replace Shemira with Ferael. She now dies faster and usually before casting the ultimate. The Esperia world You can all get from the name of the game itself that it is an automated game. 161 as she unlocks her most important skill here. Once your crystal is above level 240, you can start feeling that she becomes less effective. Yes, he is that great. There’s no way to evade that Hell’s Judgement Kane uses. Obviously, she is one of the best Heroes in the early to mid-stage of the game. Here are some great examples of lineups that have been tested carefully by a lot of top players. In addition, he can survive extremely well by dodging attacks. In AFK Arena, “Fodder” heroes are the ones that you’ll mainly consume to ascend other heroes to a higher tier. Amazing energy regen that persists on death, great at denying enemy ults. Well, depending on the bosses you have active there are different teams useful. In this guide I will give you the basics plus the best teams you should use for each individual boss fight in the Twisted Realm. That’s why I do not put her in the optimal hero tier list of AFK Arena. Similar to Guild Hunting, but the bosses change and are different after a couple of days. Voyage of Wonders is one of the most interesting events in AFK Arena. The more damage you delt the more Twisted Essence you will get, easy as that. You need to turn auto ultimate off and make Kane kill any other hero than your main damage dealer after 15 seconds. At the end, you will receive your reward depending on what place on the ladder you’ve reached. Our AFK Arena tier list will help you pick the best heroes in each class Our AFK Arena tier list aims to settle the eternal question: which heroes should you pick for your team. Her signature item and rapid attack speed can lockdown enemies at a similar level, – making her a very strong pvp damage dealer. Select Ezizh from the challenger store and use lab coins for Arthur except when a dimensional ex-change is ongoing. Damage has a chance to ignore enemy defence so great damage scaling. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Love you guys! Very good buffs and damage that scales with enemy hp. try { February 13, 2021, 4:59 am, by Very good AoE debuff that can interrupt spells and attacks. With the limitations of attacks you can use you should check out the section below to see the best teams to use against each individual hero. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); The AFK Arena Late Game is now more evolved around Mythic Heroes. Defeat the enemies using the newly released hero... Would love your thoughts, please comment. This AFK Arena Tier List gives players a rough idea of the best Heroes you should focus on during different stages of the game: Early, Mid, and Late Game. Also a very strong damage dealer. AFK Arena Twisted Realm Guide & Best Team (Grotesque Mage, Arden, Burning Brute, Kane, Evil Nemora, Ice Shemira) 73.5k Views The Twisted Realm is one of the latest additions to the guild grounds in AFK Arena and is the main resource for Twisted Essence, which you will need to enhance your branches in the Elder Tree to specialize your heroes . Event time: From February 8th to February 21. The Green Trio is still extremely amazing for Campaigns. With signature item a solid tank: 4 x cheat deaths that replenish. Arden is great in the early game. Saurus is your main damage hero here in this setup and also kind of tanks Kane. Damage based on enemy hp so scales amazingly even at low ascension. It’s ok to replace Brutus with Grezhul, Nara or Thoran. You can also use Celestial heroes in this team, as long as they have high-level signature items. The other advantage of Baden is that his copies will minimize the chance that one of your “real” heroes get hit by the Lightning strikes. Maulers are probably the worst faction for Campaign & King’s Tower. Nowadays, using Lightbearers in the campaign becomes more viable with the release of the new Lightbearer Heroes. Note that many heroes fulfill more than 1 role. Featuring tier lists, guides and all the latest news for the game. Here’s the team that will wok best for getting a high score: The frontline is Baden and Saurus and Saurus will deal the main portion of the damage, obviously. Fawkes can be used as a dodge tank. Great single target lockdown and furniture item. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); January 23, 2021, 10:31 am, by Hero ratings for different game modes are also included: PvP, PvE, Labyrinth Arcane, and Guild Boss. So, the main objective you have is that you can deal with these summoned creatures or they will not only keep your heroes busy, they will also slow down the progress you make. There’s no need for a real tank like Lucius and the buffs Estrilda provides for making it 3 Lightbearers in the team is far better for the final result. The only exception is Brutus. You will fight most of the time against a shield that will take away 80% of your damage so this is what the real challenge here is all about. Great damage if supported. Arguably the best tank in the game with great heals, energy regen for the team and stuns. You can run Athalia as the main carry as long as her signature item is lvl 30+ (to ensure she will have enough damage). Bringing a new fresh air into the game, Voyage of Wonders... You can find the complete list of the working AFK Arena Codes right now on this page. I do not really want to put a specific tier list with S, A, B, C tier, etc for this section so I will put the characters into 3 generic categories. Last Update: Patch 1.57 (Feb 7th, 2021) – Added Respen. The Boss Hoss AFK Arena Guide: A Quick Look. Usable at any ascension level. Required fields are marked *. This is not a free-to-play faction. He has crazy high damage, stun. Strongest burst hero for pvp, amazing furniture abilities. Heroes that scale with enemy health perform less well in pvp. This is a setup that works well here and Ice Shemira is one of the nastiest boss fights in the Twisted Realm! Like in most games within this genre, you will quickly realize that some units are worth your time and energy, while others not so much. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He shines after level 141. Can lockdown enemy heals and energy easily. Performing well against the Burning Brute in Twisted Realm is about the right timing to break through the shield in the right moment to deal maximum damage. And of course, I strongly recommend building Lyca, Nemora & Tasi your first tree Wilder Heroes. This AFK Arena Tier List showcases an overall tier rating of all heroes in five major tiers; Tier 1(OP/Best Tier), Tier, 2(Excellent Tier), Tier 3(Good To Average), Tier … Farael should have one of the very best situations in the tier list of AFK Arena. Estrilda helps here as a tank and dealing very solid damage as well. Very good AoE damage, enemy debuffs and strong control. Advantage is that Kane will kill a copy of Wu Kong first so make sure to make his ultimate happen in the first 15 seconds into battle. Better to not use them in most cases. You have a shield that will take 50% of the damage and the roots that are crowd control while dealing damage with his bolts. Top contributors: Copyright © 2019-2020. by AFK Arena has the beautiful land of Esperia, which is highly rich in both natural wonders as well as resources. You can add any Hero from the mentioned green trio, Eironn, Athalia or Brutus depending on the enemies. 1 Heroes 2 Portraits 3 Hero List 3.1 Lightbearers 3.2 Maulers 3.3 Wilders 3.4 Graveborns 3.5 Celestials 3.6 Hypogeans 3.7 Dimensionals 4 How to Obtain 5 Gallery In the Heroes section all the heroes the player owns are shown. Your frontline has to be Saurus and Grezhul. This setup can be a little squishy when the lightning strike takes out one of your heroes early in the battle, so you might need to run this 2 or 3 times for the best result. Or you must spend a huge investment for them to work. Good damage, unique playstyle so very good in niche situations. Twins, Rowan and Rosa are here to make sure that ultimates are rolling all the time and Rowan should normally keep the team up. Arguably the best debuffs in the game. Drops off hard end game, however he still has good defense abilities and heals. AFK.GUIDE is an AFK Arena fansite, and is not affiliated with Lilith Games in any way. You can also get her from the Labyrinth Store. var _g1; Teleport allows her to tank to some extent and arguably best cc in the game. However retaliation is difficult to pull off. This is a huge level up the achievement for all Heroes in AFK Arena. Estrilda can be replaced with Hendrik or Rosaline. Amazing raw damage stats. During this time, you can invest your resources and get her to 40 levels higher than the other Heroes while still being able to provide decent support to her using lower-level supports. Shemira in combination with Rosaline will carry your team and you actually need Shemira because without her AoE damage you won’t be able to deal with the summoned monsters very long! Turn off auto skill and use Saurus ultimate exactly 5 times. If you are not using a full Lightbearer team, you want to focus on either Rowan or Lucius at first. Not to mention that his signature item is one of the best right now. Shemira will basically keep her AoE up all the time, often double so all spawn die in 1 second after spawning. So, basically, you will see different bosses appear that you can fight. Shemira + Green Trio (Lyca, Nemora, Tasi) + Lucius/Brutus/Grezhul is one of the most used teams in the game, especially for Campaign and King’s Tower. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); No? Literally over-powered. In general, you want to build up a team evolving around one main carry (The one that provides the main damage output). The team faction bonus is what makes a full Lightbearer (or Celestial – Lightbearer) team super strong right now. The Mid Game starts from level 61 because this is where Legendary Heroes get their Ultimate lvl.2  and Mythic Heroes get their 4th skill, making them a lot more viable than at the early game. The purpose of creating the AFK Arena Tier list is to address the everlasting question: which heroes to choose the team. Firstly, this is my personal opinion. The Spring Spree Events are coming to AFK Arena. Fodders (Late Game): It’s safe to sacrifice these Heroes immediately for upgrading the others. It’s an important question when playing a gacha RPG like AFK Arena, as resources are minimal for those who like to play for free (which is basically all of us). With Ezizh you can suppress her abilities and the Twins help to remove the cc effects. You might recall Kane from the Peaks of Time 8 where he was the end-boss and got mightier and mightier with every path over the lake you built? If you want to join us on this journey, please contact us via afkguide[@]gmail.com. Very strong self sustain and furniture item. At this stage of the game, all of your 5* ascended Heroes should be at lvl. var _g1; Rosaline should follow Saurus as his ultimate will deal the biggest part of the damage. From this one can access four tabs: Formations, Popularity, Heroes, and Portraits. Solid damage, self-sustain and a great single target lockdown. And you can really feel the difference after level 240. Lucius + Estrilda + Rowan + Fawkes + Belinda. It’s an amusing concern when playing a Gacha RPG like the AFK Arena since assets are scarce for players like us who like to play for free. They are very good in some specific chapters. He can summon spirits that reduce the enemy Energy and interrupt attacks. Typically useless Heroes in most team compositions. For Campaigns & King’s Tower | Shared by Idle_Jasper_. This should be the best team for F2P and low spenders players in AFK Arena to play in the end game. All the others help the main Hero stay to deal as much damage as possible. Very strong damage and heals. Saurus will be the only hero using ultimate skill!!! Very good base stats with high hp regen, cc immunity and a great signature item to buff allies. You will need a team that’s able to actually work through that by not dying off too fast and still being able to deal decent damage. Very good damage, buffs and a very strong control, scales very well with enemy level. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Make sure that Rosaline follows Saurus. This is one of the most popular endgame teams right now. Belinda and Rosaline will also put in good damage back to back, but Saurus is the main carry here for a ton of damage. Make sure you don’t use his ultimate in the first 15 seconds so he won’t get killed first. This is where true battles begin. } catch(e) {}, try { In this list, we have ranked AFK Arena’s cast of heroes according to how useful they are to players. The hero section is located in the bar below, next to the campaign page. You might recall her from the Halloween 2019 Event where she summons some creatures. However, he is great for Guild Hunts and some specific campaigns. AFK Arena Tier List for Mid Game (Level 61 → 160) The Mid Game starts from level 61 because this is where Legendary Heroes get their Ultimate lvl.2 and Mythic Heroes get their 4th skill, making them a lot more viable than at the early game. The Burning Brute is a little buggy right now and the best team you want to use is this one here: Luckily this boss in Twisted Realm got finally fixed so you can do stable attacks, here’s the setup I’d recommend: Using melee carry heroes is so vital here and with Saurus and Cecilia you have two heroes that can slip under the dome and deal real damage all the time. Only issue is vulnerable to interrupts. Every player has their own playstyle so what is amazing for me may only be OK for you so please do take this, and any hero tier list, with a pinch of salt. After that, you can work on Eironn or Kaz as the tank for the Wilder tower. She starts shining from lvl. Very strong raw damage abilities, issue is he needs team support while stealing defence from his team mates. Immortal. The Grotesque Mage is a super interesting boss when looking at the mechanic. Full Hero Artifact List For AFK Arena (February 2021) – What Hero To Put Them On, Signature Items Priority List (1.57) & Guide For Emblems, AFK Arena Twisted Realm Guide & Best Team (Grotesque Mage, Arden, Burning Brute, Kane, Evil Nemora, Ice Shemira), Best Heroes Tier List (Patch 1.57) – with Respen & Kren, The Blighted Highlands Guide (Voyage of Wonders), AFK Arena Furniture Tier & Priority List 2021 (Oak Inn), Talene for Saurus, more reliable if you don’t have Saurus. These both heroes are what you need, the others are more optional. I like to have Rowan on the team because he will buff the power of Shemira and also provides some solid healing that will keep you up when it can become ugly. The AFK Arena Early Game Tier List ranks Heroes based on their abilities to finishing the early games effectively and efficiently. AFK Arena’s cast of over 70 heroes provides a decent allowance for experimentation in different game modes. As a free to play player, it is totally possible to reach chapter 25 using this crazy strong team. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Saurus will deal most of the damage while Rowan will keep ultimates rolling as well as healing here and there. The Boss Hoss Situational Heroes that lack utilities. Play AFK Arena on PC/Mac to enjoy the game any time! } catch(e) {}. Very good base stats with high hp regen, cc immunity and good control. The latest boss in the Twisted Realm is Arden, called The Unhinged in his boss version. AFK.Guide is trying to be the biggest database of guides for all AFK Arena players. At this state of the game, Legendary Heroes will no get any additional skill upgrades, they will fall off in power, losing the viability. The most powerful Heroes that have the game changing abilities when they are in the right teams. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-img'); If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to comment down below to help us improve this AFK Arena Tier List. They possess the incredible abilities that can easily change the result of the match. But her abilities do not function at high level deficits typical in campaign. Baden will summon a ton of his shadows and they will stack up their damage as there’s no cap to how many he can summon. Get as many copies of Farael as possible. However, since he is capped at level 160, he won’t be that effective past chapter 22/23. 161 → 240), AFK Arena Early Game Tier List (Level 1 → 60), AFK Arena Tier List for Mid Game (Level 61 → 160). Unofficial fansite for the mobile idle game AFK Arena. The backline is primary for buffing Saurus so you can switch them around and also bring Mortas, Raine or Daimon into the equation, edepdning how well you have them equipped, asceded and their SIgnature Items. Athalia (+30 or higher signature item), Mehira, Twins. Your email address will not be published. Soon after the commencement, the Hypogeans plagued the land of Esperia. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); Unfortunately, heroes like Grezhul and Baden are not that effective as Burning Brute has his fire breath that will take out most of the summons that much that they can’t stack up their damage properly. Has control with suction and ult. These are very Good Heroes that own the solid utilities and game-changing qualities. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); Rowan is also in the first line and along with the twins his main objective is buffing the team energy by a lot and put in his healing potions here and there to keep your team alive. Great energy regen and self-sustain. Her ultimate can wipe enemy teams at 80+ lvl deficit. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); Great haste and damage buff and with furniture, a strong damage dealer. January 28, 2021, 11:56 am, by Never use him as a fooder. The general rule of thumb is to not use “Ascended” tier heroes as fodder.The main reason being is that they have a much higher level cap, and at endgame each hero you have at the maximum ascension level will increase your overall level cap by 5. Fodders (Late Game): It’s now totally safe to sacrifice these Heroes immediately. Spring Spree Event Guide: Get the New Talene Skin! The Boss Hoss Double win. You could use Nemora but I think that Rowan’s support is a lot better with the lowe damage coming in when Shemira takes down the spawns all the time. After level 240, most players use Shemira in the Guild Hunt and some specific King’s Tower only. During the period you will have a certain amount of attacks that you can use to pull of your best possible attack – it’s all depending on total damage deal, like you know it from Guild Hunting. February 5, 2021, 11:20 am, by February 8, 2021, 10:22 am, Your email address will not be published. The Boss Hoss His alternative skill can also eat away buffs and the main ultimate is that the battle will end automatically once your team uses more than 5 ultimates in total. If you use Rosaline you also have to make sure that Shemira is the hero with the highest power rating or Rosaline might follow another hero and that would be a total waste in this lineup! This is a huge level up the achievement for all Heroes in AFK Arena. They are usually the Heroes that can carry their teams with the least investment possible. Players... Bountiful Trials is the new AFK Arena mini-event that occurs whenever a new hero is released. Best abilities for scaling with enemy damage. These 3 are great base Heroes for many campaign teams. But we can not make a selection with the best heroes in AFK Arena without highlighting Arden, which is an extremely powerful DPS with a special attack that is possibly one of the most effective of the game in full. More details here! Great damage and can stagger. She is Free-to-play friendly and is the easiest carry to invest in: You can get 2 Shemira copies for free, one from the Divine Realm and one from finishing Chapter 15. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); You don’t have to follow everything I mention in this guide and always remember that team synergy is the top priority in building up the team. If you are new to the game, check out the Hero Priority guide to see which heroes you should focus on first! Once ramped up, very good hp regen and cc immunity. Let’s go straight to our Character Tier List for now. I have categorized the heroes into these sections and subsections and provided a brief rationale. His main skill will shoot a lightning that will ignore any summon, so no way to distract with a hero that summons. But they are still not enough to be called optimal Heroes. Let's take a quick look! Please also make sure that you have the right artifacts equipped, I have them here. Can be only used in some specific teams. Heart's Desires Anyway… his ability is that he will kill your hero that dealt the most damage after 15, 40 and 65 seconds so you need to work your team around that so you have enough damage to actually deal some before your damage dealers will get taken out. So strong that she can stagger enemies at massive lvl deficits. Luckily, we got them in prior events so there are some kind of best-practice for every boss out there and also some teams that have proven to work best . Rowan and Twins will buff the team and let the ult train rolling faster and faster while Rowan deals his healing potions when needed to keep your team alive. Lorsan isn’t used much in the current meta. During the early stage of the game, it’s recommended to use either as your main carry while slowly Daimon, or Saurus because they will be your main carry from level mid to the very late game. Wu Kong for Saurus is also possible but deals a lot less damage. The Twisted Realm is one of the latest additions to the guild grounds in AFK Arena and is the main resource for Twisted Essence, which you will need to enhance your branches in the Elder Tree to specialize your heroes. The Boss Hoss Here are basically the best Heroes for the end game in AFK Arena right now. AFK Arena Twisted Realm Guide & Best Team (Grotesque Mage, Arden, Burning Brute, Kane, Evil Nemora, Ice Shemira) Read More Khasos & Safiya are two honored mentions. Great damage debuff and can ramp up quickly during a battle. Average Heroes who have some decent utilities but lack game changing qualities. All rights reserved. Great Characters in AFK Arena Tier List. Duration: 14 days. 240+ with full Mythic Gear + Signature Items! It is not like any other usual game. Make sure you read the Note at the end of this article for more ideas. If you want to use a full Lightbearer team, you will usually need to swap Heroes depending on the situation. Arguably the best healer. AFK Arena Tier List for Late Game (Lvl. The Boss Hoss Farael starts shining after level 200. The team should have 2 tanks (who have high defense and HP) and support Heroes (who provide buffs, debuffs, healing effects, crowd control effects, etc.). Lockdown enemies at massive lvl deficits some great examples of lineups that have the game any time auto skill use... Ultimate can wipe enemy teams at 80+ lvl deficit base Heroes for many campaign teams most interesting events AFK! Us via afkguide [ @ ] gmail.com are different teams useful at the mechanic, energy regen the. The name of the most interesting events in AFK Arena tier list for now their teams with the least possible. 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