2. You may go to a concert, but not to a theatre, you may ,go to a dinner party, but not to a ball — everything put down as clear as it can be. To open this a little three things are to be considered here. Christ was an extraordinary person, and another Adam; and therefore it was necessary He should be produced a new way. Of so late a growth is this doctrine in the Roman communion itself, and so signally does this its novelty condemn its promulgation as an article of faith. It does confer upon the Virgin Mary the Mediator's office. Negatively considered. (Luke 1:35 NIV) In this passage we see that Jesus Christ, the Word of God, the Light of the World, the Creator Himself was not conceived after the manner of men, but rather by the powerful operation of the Holy Spirit, whereby a virgin was able to conceive outside and beyond the laws of nature. He was hungry, thirsty, weary, faint, &c. For certainly if the Son of God would stoop so low as to take upon Him our frail flesh, He would not omit the nobler part, the soul, without which He could not be man. December 22 & 23, 2012, The Fourth Sunday of Advent. Blessings galore can be ours with faith in Jesus. He would also hire professional musicians for the service. Then was that quarry whence was dug that flesh which He united to His Godhead, not of our fallen, but of a new and different, nature; and then is His perfect brotherhood with us destroyed. Some people go with a clear conscience where others cannot go but with a guilty conscience. So, outside the great Moral Law, God does not lay down any hard and fast rule, He does not legislate for our amusements. 2. be sure of it, separation will always mark off those whose lives are ruled by principle where lives are generally ruled by passion. The Christian Church bears witness to the uniqueness of this Child by confessing clearly that Jesus Christ, true God and true man, Son of the Father from all eternity and son of the Virgin Mary, is our Lord. Think of the Christmas story. He was to be One that would in the fullest sense partake of the Divine nature, be one in thought and in aim and in action with the Father (John 5:19, 23; John 8:28; John 10:30; John 14:10, 11). And then, further, if that nature which He thus took in the womb of His virgin mother was not that which she, like others, inherited from Adam, but one made by God's creative power to exist under new conditions of original purity, how can we say that He indeed took from her our very nature? The power of the Most High will overshadow you, the angel says to virgin Mary (Luke 1: 35). It may be that even this temperament is a revelation of the will of God for you, and that by it he has separated you from much social joy and from many opportunities of exercising visibly holy influence, in order that you may be numbered with that hidden band whose ministry is the secret ministry of intercession rather than the ministry of open work. Then there are those who are called aside by sickness, those whom God in His wonderful way leads by constrainings that must be submitted to, to a separation not only from the world outside, but sometimes even from the family within. The way of the Spirit's powerful working to this miraculous conception, is denoted by two words. For the kingdom of Christ. Let us consider the sanctifying of Christ's human nature. But Do; they are led by God within the veil. Call us at 888-634-2038. It is true that this argument will not weigh with Rome, because, after the exact pattern of the old Donatist schismatics, she claims to be exclusively THE catholic body, and makes, as they did, communion with herself the one condition of communion with her Lord. Behold the wonderful love of God the Father, who was content to degrade and abase His dear Son, in order to bring about the salvation of sinners. Jesus Christ, in the very act in which he redeems us from the penalty and power of sin, restores us to God - to his Divine favor, his likeness, his service. This exposition consisted of readings from Psalms 148; and Luke 1:5-35; Luke 1:46-56. The angel tells her how she should " conceive and bring forth a Son," namely, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the power of the Highest, the Spirit of God being the true God, and so the Highest. I do not for a moment say that you ought to give way to that self-consciousness which to many makes intercourse with the world one long agony. Robert Schuller built his parking lot church and later erected a church building to go with it. Two expectant mothers, one old, one young. To mention the highest of all, THERE IS THE SEPARATION TO WHAT WE CALL RELIGION. One was six months along; the other, newly pregnant. How can we henceforth go out into the world and deny Him, and not rather there own Him gladly, by proved obedience to His manifested will? For the sake of truth and for the love of souls, we, whose rule of faith is God's Word, and whose interpreter of Scripture is true catholic consent, are bound to hold faster than ever to these our real principles. In the shadow of His Hand He concealed me, says the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 49 and 51:16). He shall reign "for ever;" his rule will go down to remotest times; it will touch and include the last generation that shall dwell upon the earth. The Redeemer of the world behoved to be so born, as not to derive the stain of man's nature by His generation. II. The claim that God was in Christ reconciling the world is offensive to our ears. Thirdly, let us consider OUR REASONS FOR OBJECTING TO THIS PROMULGATION. We need faith. “A Blessed Visitation” (Sermon on Luke 1:39-45, by Pr. When someone tells you that, you are not sure which you wish to hear first. No river bounds it; no mountain, no sea; it reaches the whole world round. I. The life of a Christian is a life of separation because it is a life lived in the power of the love of God. 4. Ah! For sin is not only, in itself, the worst and most shameful of all evils by which we can be afflicted, but it is the one fruitful source of all other evils - poverty, estrangement, strife, weariness and aching of heart, death. Luke was a Gentile, not a Jew, and he was a physician, a doctor. For not only is there no passage which can be alleged as even tending to prove it, but against it stand arrayed the clearest sentences of Holy Writ. IV. Almquist. What it can not tell us is that the virgin birth of Jesus did not occur. But even this is not all; since we cannot fully estimate the falsehood of this reference until we compare it with the decree itself. Is it not undisciplined desire? Its the Gospel According to Luke - 205 pages; SERMON BIBLE COMMENTARY. It was an unconventional spot – in a drive-in movie theatre. 2. Indeed God might have created His body out of nothing, or have formed it of the dust of the ground, as He did the body of Adam, our original progenitor: but had He been thus extraordinarily formed, and not propagated from Adam, though He had been a man like one of us, yet He would not have ban of kin to us; because it would not have been a nature derived from Adam, the common parent of us all. II. Saving from sin means restoring to God; it includes reinstatement in the condition from which sin removed us. The first stepped forward, said his line, and presented the gold. Faith seems to contradict modern science and common sense and flies in the faith of post-modern cynicism and skepticism. The Bible is a reliable witness of God and the Bible tells us that Jesus was conceived by a virgin. HIS DIVINE ORIGIN. And the virgin’s name was Mary. And there was to come upon her and overshadow her the Holy Ghost, the Power of the Most High. What they have claimed to be, Jesus the Savior was and is. Every Christian is to be dependable. Get your church set-up with online giving, sermon streaming, and more in under 24 hours. It was most conformable to the infinite dignity of His person, that a supernatural and a Divine person be concerned as an active principle in it. V. we object, not only to any introduction of a new dogma, but we object also in particular to this as, to say the least, HAVING DIRECT TENDENCIES TO HERESY. Just as Paul paid bills by being a tent maker, Luke could have paid his bills by being a doctor. III. We are called to be optimists not on the basis of wishful thinking but on God’s sure promise. For we have not simply to deal with abstract laws, but we have to deal with individual characters. They did not have vision. If any should presume to assail it, let him know that he will incur the indignation of the Omnipotent God, and of His blessed apostles Peter and Paul.". One is, that the Holy Ghost should come upon her, not in an ordinary way, as in the conception of all men (Job 10:8, "Thine hands have made me, and fashioned me together round about)"; but in an extraordinary way, as on the prophets, and those that were raised to some extraordinary work. TRY SERMONWRITER! This teaching, therefore, points us not to Christ, but to Mary, as the well-head of our restored humanity; and thus does it directly shake the great doctrine of the incarnation. Thus we may be thoroughly satisfied —. So we have the expression, the … A SUBSCRIBER SAYS: “Thank you. Again, He assumed our nature with all its sinless infirmities: therefore it is said of Him (Hebrews 2:17), "In all things it behoved Him to be made like unto His brethren." The greatest gift of all is faith in the Lord Jesus. FOR WITH GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. There is nothing that God can not do. Nor can it be said that this teaching descended to the Church through the tradition of the apostles, since such traditions have come down to us only through those ancient and holy writers who succeeded the apostles. And then the angel gives Mary a confirmation of that his message is from God. Introduction; Luke 1; CHARLES SIMEON. I. Dr. Luke declares with "cool objectivity" the historical fact that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. NET ©: The angel replied, 1 “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow 2 you. He was not only to be her offspring, but he should "be called the Son of the Most High." Everything was going great until the arrival of the magi, the three kings. The only homage which is acceptable to its King is the homage of the heart, the only tribute the tribute of affection, the only obedience the obedience of love. 4. He had the same human nature which is common to all men, sin only excepted. Luke 1:34 Luke 1:36 Luke 1:35. Luke 1:35-37 is all about the miracle of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, that is next week’s message, so I won’t dwell too much on it, other than to say clearly the caption in how to respond to … Luke 1:35. Luke 1:35(NASB) Verse Thoughts The angel Gabriel visited the young Mary of Nazareth to inform her of God's gracious favour towards her, for she had been chosen to give birth to the long awaited, promised Messiah, Who was to sit on the throne of His father David, to reign over the house of Jacob for ever - and His kingdom was to be an everlasting Kingdom. 3. From what remote antiquity then is this proof drawn? We can concentrate on what we can do rather than what we can not. Once in all human history, the law of God was broken by God so that God’s Son might come into the world. Accepting and abiding in the Savior, we dwell in the sunshine of God's everlasting friendship; we grow up into his perfect image; we spend our days and our powers under his direction. God makes all things possible. He visited one wealthy family and saw to his dismay that the Son of God had no abiding place in the home. I want to be In the shadow of your wings, longs the psalmist (Psalm 17:8 and 63:7). Luke 1:26-38 (ESV) In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, [27] to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. Check out these helpful resources For this is the grand characteristic of the whole Roman system of Mariolatrous imposture. But though Jesus Christ had two natures, yet not two persons, which was the error of Nestorius, who lived in the fourth century. And now, if we try this newly-propounded article by these conditions, we shall be able to prove its unlawfulness. We can change. God Keeps Loving Jerusalem. Then, again, I cannot help thinking that there is a third way in which God separates some in His providential leadings, and that is by a retiring disposition. With God all things are possible. Indeed this is a glorious union. He was "the seed of the woman" (Genesis 3:15), and the fruit of Mary's womb (Luke 1:42), otherwise He had not been our brother. For the Church has most clearly pointed out this doctrine, when she did not hesitate to propose the conception of the Virgin for the public devotion and veneration of the faithful. The mother of the Redeemer herself, otherwise than by redemption, is not loosed from the bond of that ancient sin." Every citizen, because he is such, is pledged to depart from all iniquity, to pursue and practice all righteousness. He was to be not only a son of God, but the Son of God, related to the Eternal Father as no other of the children of men had ever been or should ever be. (2) They are not united physically, as the soul and body are united in a man: for death actually dissolves that union; but this is indissoluble. Luke 1:35. This St. lays down, this St. Augustine repeatedly; this St. , this Eusebius Emissenus, this and Maximus, this and Anselm affirm; this St. Bernard and Erhardus, bishop and martyr, with a multitude besides: this doctrine none of the saints have contravened." And this was necessary, that thereby He might heal the whole nature of the disease and leprosy of sin, which had ceased upon and wofully infected every member and faculty of man. Lastly, brethren, suffer me to lay before you SOME OF THE DUTIES WHICH, AS IT SEEMS TO ME, ARE ENFORCED UPON US BY THIS SAD SPECTACLE OF DEEP CORRUPTION WITHIN THE ROMAN CHURCH. God can come into this congregation and use the resources here to build up the body of Christ. Many, we know, would like to have a definite law telling them what they may do and what they may not. "Let no man," says the decree, "interfere with this our declaration, pronunciation, and definition, or oppose or contradict it with presumptuous rashness. Schuller loaded his books in his station wagon with his wife and small children and drove around until he found a place to start a congregation. They were without Jesus. Yea, He was with His Father from all eternity, before any of the creatures came out of the womb of nothing. I Mary at Risk A First, what the angel says to Mary is good news. John Piper Nov 10, 1980 11 Shares Conference Message. 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